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Selection Policy

Policy Summary

Each age group will play competitive games across the season. For those games, teams need to be selected. Team selection is ultimately down to the Coaches and Team Managers.

It is vital that parents understand and are supportive of the selection policy used.  Any concerns with selection should be raised in the first instance with the Coaches. Social Media should not be used for airing complaints or issues. Please communicate face to face where possible or by phone if this is not.

More serious issues should be reported directly to the Junior Chairman and the Club Welfare Officer.

It is the aim and the purpose of the Club to encourage junior players of all ages to participate in- and play- recreational and competitive cricket. Our coaching is based on the view that each player should be developed to his / her maximum potential.

Motivation, Commitment and Behaviour

We expect all our junior players to be motivated and committed to playing cricket and display appropriate behaviour when attending training and playing matches. This includes respecting Coaches, Team Managers and other players, both on their team and opposing teams.

To be selected to represent the Club is a privilege, not a right. As such it needs to be earned. Bad behaviour by players will not be tolerated, and management has the discretion to use selection as a sanction against such behaviour.


Team selection will be based on a combination of factors, including:-

  1. Players must, in the view of the team managers, be able to take part safely and enjoyably.

  2. A player’s readiness for playing hard ball cricket, as determined by the age-group coaches.

  3. Regular attendance at training and turning up reliably at matches.

  4. Showing enthusiasm, effort and a good attitude at training and in matches.

  5. A players’ maturity and overall confidence in match situations.

  6. Helping to maintain team spirit, by being social and encouraging others in a positive manner.

  7. Submitting your player’s availability in good time each week.

  8. The reliability of the player (and parent) in committing to- and then turning up for- matches.

  9. A player keen to keep wicket.

  10. A good balance of batting and bowling strengths.

Team selection will be announced by the Team Manager via the necessary channels, after squad training has taken place on a Thursday.

League and Knock-Out Cup Matches

Our policy is to select “a competitive team for each match; a team that will have a reasonable chance of winning, if they play well".

This means that:

  1. For league games, to be competitive with other clubs, we will need to pick the more advanced players more often and to rotate the developing players. This means developing players will likely play fewer league games, but we do try to get everyone some league game time.

  2. The more league games a squad is winning, the more rotation of players we would expect to see.

  3. Where we have more than one team in an age group competing in different leagues, we will take the same approach, so as to allow more game time for more players.

  4. The development (Green) league team will have more opportunities for rotation, and we will aim to encourage and manage this where possible.

Friendlies and Inter-Club Matches

Our policy is to give every player in the squad game time, so that they can develop their personal and team skills. Friendlies and inter-club matches will therefore prioritise those players, who are developing their capabilities and may not yet be ready to participate in league or cup matches. We will aim for these matches still to be competitive, and we will attempt to balance teams for close-run results. As players develop their capabilities, then they may be selected for one of the League teams. This may result in them not playing as many inter-club matches in the future. Equally, players from the League team may be selected for an inter-club match to help them work on or develop a specific area of their game.

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